Estampa 2024

17.10.2024 - 20.10.2024 / Stand 5B37

RocioSantaCruz presents in this edition a single project by the artist Teresa Gancedo (Léon, 1937).

One of the major milestones in Teresa Gancedo’s career was her participation in the exhibition New images from Spain, curated by Margit Rowell, which made Teresa Gancedo one of the first women, along with Carmen Calvo, to exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.

RocioSantaCruz’s proposal exhibits the artist’s most recent production, which stands out for its symbolism and poetic sensitivity, characteristics that have distinguished her work over the years. Always attentive to human concerns, Gancedo uses an everyday symbology that merges and gives rise to mystical and serene creations. She explores a wide diversity of media in her constant expressive searches; drawing, painting, collage and sculptures are some of the resources to which she resorts. Her work reflects a very personal vision, impregnated with a constant exercise of self-referentiality and deep existentialism that expands and reaches ecumenical values.

Teresa Gancedo was born in León in 1937 and lived her youth in Madrid until 1960. Later she moved to Barcelona, where she studied Fine Arts at the Escuela Superior de San Jorge. In 1972 she held her first exhibition at the Sala Provincia de León, which was presented by the poet Antonio Gamoneda. From that moment on, she made numerous exhibitions both in Spain and abroad, highlighting in the general computation of her career the exhibition New images from Spain, in 1980, when the artist was part of the small group of Spanish painters who exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. In this exhibition she shared space with eight other Spanish artists. These were Sergi Aguilar, Darío Villalba, Zush, Carmen Calvo, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Miquel Navarro, Muntadas/Serrán Pagán and Jordi Teixidor. Their work is also included in the museum’s collection. In 1981, the exhibition toured to the Art Museum of South Texas, the Fine Art Center in Colorado and the Museum of Albuquerque in New Mexico. From 1982 to 2022, she worked as a full professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. In 2018, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), dedicated an extensive retrospective exhibition to her (October 27, 2018 through January 13, 2019), curated by the museum’s director, Manuel Olveira.

Among the notable collections that have acquired works by this artist are The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, the ING Arte Center with its Lambert Collection in Brussels, the Artium. Basque Center-Museum de Arte Contemporáneo in Àlava, the CAAC-Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo in Seville, the MACBA-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Barcelona, the MACE-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Ibiza, the MACVAC-Museo De Arte Contemporáneo Vicente Aguilera Cerni in Villafamés, the MNCARS-Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, the MUSAC-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León in León, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Florencio de la Fuente to Requena (Valencia), the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de los Países Catalanes in Banyoles, the TEA-Tenerife Espacio de las Artes in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Colección de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León in Valladolid, the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, the Colección P. Stuyvesant Collection in Amsterdam, the Plácido Arango Collection and the Jerónimo Arango Collection in Los Angeles, the Repsol Foundation with its Campsa Collection in Madrid, the Suñol-Soler Collection in Barcelona, the Diputación de Alicante, the Ashkenazi Collection in California, the F. Macià Collection in Barcelona, the Arte Omega Collection in Barcelona, the Vila Casas Fundation in Barcelona and EMERIGE in Paris.

Among the awards and recognitions obtained by the artist are:

1970: He submits his first work to a contest, obtaining honorable mention in the Inglada Guillot International Drawing Award.

1971: Wins the “Olga Sacharoff” painting award at the Women’s Salon of Contemporary Art.

1972: He wins the First Prize for engraving at the School of Fine Arts and holds his first solo exhibition at the Provincial Hall of Leon.

1973: She obtains the prize for engraving at the International Salon of Women’s Painting held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Madrid.

1974: He studies at the School of Fine Arts, gets the highest award of this center, “The Medal of the School”, and gets the Second Prize for drawing San Jorge.

1975: Joan Miró Prize.

1978: She is specially invited to the international homage to Joan Miró celebrated in Palma. A large special issue of the newspaper “Última Hora” is published with documentation of the invited artists.

2021: The Iberoamericana of Toro.

RocioSantaCruz recovers the legacy of Teresa Gancedo and, in addition to showing her work at ARCOmadrid 2024 and Estampa 2024, presented her most recent works at her gallery in Barcelona in the exhibition El cuerpo de los símbolos.

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 627, 08010 Barcelona  |  T. +34 936 338 360 / +34 679 832 957 |