Vari Caramés

He was born in O Ferrol in 1953.
At the age of nine he moved to live in A Coruña.
At the age of fifteen, his father, an amateur artist, gave him a manual Voigtlander camera so that he could photograph his paintings, drawings and wrought iron pieces.
He confesses that chance and intuitive talent are essential weapons for his photographs, in which there is inevitably a fixation: the window. That, in most cases, is imaginary, because it constitutes a symbol of looking, analyzing and observing; to see, finally, the world or life, as through something vague, as from the inside to the outside and also, from the outside to the inside.
He began to exhibit his works in A Coruña, where he resides, in 1980, and where he has done it repeatedly afterwards. In 1986 he was invited to participate in the Vigovisións project, of the second edition of the Fotobienal, a competition today with international fame, in which six photographers from different countries had to portray Vigo for a week, and as a result of which the precious monographic album of his work.
Later he exhibited in Madrid and Barcelona. Collectively, he has exhibited in different cities in Galicia and in Madrid, Santander, Lisbon, Braga, Córdoba and Quimper (France).
Selected solo exhibitions
2019 Lugares. Fundación Luis Seoane. A Coruña
2018 Lugares. Galería Trinta. Santiago.
2017 Venta ao Insólito. AFundación. Santiago.
2016 Vari Caramés. Ventana a lo insólito. Exposición premio internacional de fotografía contemporánea Polar Citoler. Sala Vimcorsa. Córdoba.
2013 Derivas. Galería Astarté (Photoespaña 2013). Madrid
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Vari Caramés – Instagram LIVE. 18 de junio 2020. Foto Colectania