Paris Photo 2024
RocioSantaCruz‘s proposal is based on the need to go beyond the purely aesthetic debate surrounding photography and to highlight its social and critical relevance. Following the conceptual line of the gallery, which specializes in the representation of historical photographic legacies, works are presented that explore reflections on identity and historical memory, emphasizing the work of women photographers who, challenging traditional norms, opened spaces for new narratives. The project showcases a collection of vintage photographs with great artistic value, which, alongside relevant contemporary works, enriches the dialogue between tradition and the avant-garde.
Paris Photo 24:
– Antoni Campañà
– Marcel Giró
– Palmira Puig
– Paco Elvira
– Colita
– Pilar Aymerich
– Ouka Leele
– Javier Inés
– Toni Amengual
– Lúa Ribeira
- Buena acogida de las propuestas catalanas en la feria ParisPhoto: https://www.3cat.cat/3cat/bona-acollida-de-les-propostes-catalanes-a-la-fira-paris-photo-llengua-de-signes/video/6309510/
- El fotógrafo Toni Amengual pone en valor la materialidad de la imagen: https://rociosantacruz.com/toni-amengual-en/
- La fotógrafa Pilar Aymerich, foto feminismo en ParisPhoto: https://www.diariolibre.com/mundo/europa/2024/11/08/pilar-aymerich-foto-feminismo-en-el-el-salon-paris-photo/2905828
- Pilar Aymerich con Jordi Batalle en Radio France: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiE7ht3z04c
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