Fina Miralles. La mujer árbol, la mujer agua, Festival PHotoESPAÑA 2023

In the occasion of PHotoESPAÑA 2023, the artist Fina Miralles, represented by RocioSantaCruz gallery, exhibits in the solo show Fina Miralles. The woman tree, the woman water. This exhibition was jointly organised by the PHotoESPAÑA festival and the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, in collaboration with RocioSantaCruz. Curated by Teresa Grandas, the photographs presented show Miralles’ interest in natural elements and translations. In the words of the curator: “Fina goes far beyond mere questioning. The gesture of transferring the grass to the sea or the sand to the field is simple but resounding. This gesture not only carries a critical and clearly political charge, but also generates another possible imaginary”.

Créditos fotografía portada: © Fina Miralles. Col·lecció MACBA. Deposito de la generalitat de Catalunya