Mar Arza, Pep Duran, Lluís Hortalà, Oriol Vilapuig at De lugares e cousas. Colección de Arte Banco Sabadell, Museo Centro Gaiás, Santiago de Compostela.

The word “place” has other meanings that can help us understand the works in this exhibition. We say “in place of” to indicate that something replaces something else, or “to put oneself in someone’s place” to imagine that we are this someone or to understand him or her. To “take place” or “to take place” is to be the cause of something happening and, consequently, “not to take place” means that something does not happen.

The selection of works in the exhibition has to do with this relationship of construction, foundation, signification and symbolization between places and things: historical places and places of memory; geometry and space; the limit and the empty place; bodies, words and space; habitable places, the city and the territory.

The exhibition will be open from October 21 to April 17, 2023 at Museo Centro Gaiás, Santiago de Compostela.

Mar Arza, Pep Duran, Lluís Hortalà, Oriol Vilapuig at De lugares e cousas. Colección de Arte Banco Sabadell, Museo Centro Gaiás, Santiago de Compostela. Read More »