Oriol Vilapuig in Xestos, Formas e Actos. Nordés Gallery, Santiago de Compostela
A project curated by Ángel Calvo Ulloa
With the artists: Alejandra Pombo Su
Diego Vites
Mariana Caló and Francisco Queimadela
Oriol Vilapuig
Diego Vites, Alejandra Pombo Su, Oriol Vilapuig, Mariana Caló and Francisco Queimadela participate in this exhibition that does not want to vindicate past times, but to show with four well differentiated cases other ways of handling and quoting in a critical way the sources of the history of art. The exhibition is thus configured on the basis of a series of punctual or long-term works, which have in the forms attributed to the Romanesque an analytical, renewed starting point that flees from the atrophy that today is the fact of having turned the gestures of the avant-garde into ankylosing regionalist traditionalisms.
It can be visited until December 16 at Nordés Gallery, Santiago de Compostela.
Oriol Vilapuig in Xestos, Formas e Actos. Nordés Gallery, Santiago de Compostela Read More »