Pep Duran

Pep Duran (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1955) has worked in parallel and since the beginning with the scenography, which has allowed him to develop over the years projects and proposals centered on a particular way of understanding construction and representation and focused on to solve the staging.
His works are found in numerous private and public collections such as the Reina Sofía National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNACRS), the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA) or Artium de Vitoria, Fons d’Art of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Collection of Contemporary Art Foundation La Caixa, Banc de Sabadell Collection, among others. He has exhibited both collectively and individually in Spanish and European cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Donosti, Lisbon, London, Amsterdam, Cologne, Turin, Copenhagen… He is represented by the RocioSantaCruz gallery (Barcelona).
He has made numerous theater sets participating in productions for the Teatre Lliure and the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya and the Teatro de La Zarzuela in Madrid. As an artistic director, he has collaborated on various films, receiving the Cinematography Award from the Generalitat de Catalunya for Best Technician for the costumes for the film ‘Luces y Sombras’ by Jaime Camino in 1989.
His project WITHOUT A STAGE, organized by SEACEX and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, has toured in 2009-2010 the MARTE Museums of Contemporary Art in El Salvador, MADC in Costa Rica, MAC in Panama and the Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico.
One of his last important exhibition projects was A CHAIN OF EVENTS, curated by Chus Martínez at MACBA Capella, an installation of ceramic pieces with embedded and enamelled reliefs, works produced in collaboration with MACBA. This piece is installed in the Central Library of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
– Pep Duran: from the stage to the museum. The country. Robert Bosch. 23.10.2016
– Barcelona Gallery Weekend: talent takes over the city. the newspaper. Natalia Farre. 09.28.2016
– Catalan art runs through Arco. The vanguard. Sonia Hernandez. 22.02.2020
– Barcelona’s galleries are back on the run. ABC. Anna Maria Guasch. 11.10.2016
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Serie Capella #03 Pep Duran. Una cadena d’esdeveniments
MACBA Barcelona
“Una cadena d’esdeveniments”, la instal·lació de l’artista Pep Duran (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1955) específicament realitzada per a l’espai de la Capella MACBA, s’ha de considerar com una obra-assaig. Es tracta d’una gran intervenció dividida en dues parts, “Retaule laic” (2010-2011) i “Peça escrita” (2010-2011), que recull i alhora destil·la les influències intel·lectuals, formals i estètiques entorn de les quals pivota la manera de fer i de pensar d’aquest artista.