Toni Amengual
He has a degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona, studied photography at the Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya and completed a postgraduate degree in photojournalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His latest solo exhibitions include: «Flowers for Franco» (2021), Es Baluard Museu d’Art Contemporani de Palma; “Androids in the Woods” (2019), La Misericòrdia Exhibition Hall, Palma; “Devotees” (2017), Center d’Art de Les Bernardes, Salt, Girona; «Holydays» (2016), Casal Solleric, Palma; «F.O.C.» (2013), IDEP, Barcelona.
His work has been awarded the Balearic Art Jove Photography Award 2005, PhotoEspaña 2010 Discoveries, the New Documentary Award of La Fábrica 2013, CREART Award (2016) or the Mallorca Contemporary Photography Award 2018, among others. In addition, PAIN (2014) was distinguished with the award for the best self-published photobook at PhotoEspaña 2015, Devotos (2015) received the ArtLibris Banc de Sabadell award and Flowers for Franco (2019) was selected by Time magazine as one of the best photobooks of the year.
In 2021 he received a scholarship from the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome where he developed his last two projects, ICONA and ORNAMENT.
Individual exhibitions
- 2021. FLOWERS FOR FRANCO. Es Baluard Museum.
- 2019. ANDROIDS IN THE WOODS. La Misericòrdia exhibition hall. Mallorca.
- 2017. DEVOTEES. Exhibition in Les Bernardes, Salt, Girona. Curated by Laura Cornejo and Pere Parramon.
- 2016. HOLIDAYS. Exhibition at Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, and winner of the Creart contest.
- 2013. F.O.C. at IDEP Barcelona.
- 2012. Mallorca Som tots. Ses Voltes. Palma de Mallorca, PALMAFOTO 2012.
- 2010 Quan es fa Fosc. Plaça de la Palmera, Figueres, Girona.
- 2009 Exhibition in Cruïlla de Vides, FORVM Foundation, Tarragona, SCAN ́09.
- 2008 Exhibition Prisa Mata Amigo, ABA Gallery, Palma de Mallorca, PALMAFOTO 2008.
Group exhibitions
- 2021. Processi 148. Academy of Spain in Rome.
- 2019. Über Lebenam Land. Kunst Haus Wien. Wien Festival photo. Curated by Verena Kaspar-Eisert.
- 2018. How to live with memory. MUSAC (Museum of Contemporary Art Castilla y León) Curated by Manuel Olveira.
- 2018. State issue. Res-public. Toni Amengual and Bruno Arbesús at Galería Cero (Madrid). Curated by Carmen Dalmau.
- 2017. Photobook Phenomenon. CCCB Barcelona. Curated by Moritz Neumuller and Irene Mendoza.
- 2016. DIWO – II, Exhibition at Centro Huarte, Navarra. Curated by Juan Pablo Huércanos.
- 2016. DIWO (do it with others) Exhibition on the phenomenon of self-publishing in Centro, Madrid. Curated by Juan Pablo Huércanos.
- 2014. Photobook Here and now. Fotocolectania Foundation, Barcelona. Curated by Irene Mendoza.
- 2010. Talent Latent. Tarragona Scan.
- 2005. Young Art Casal Balaguer, Palma de Mallorca.
– Interpel·lar amb la mirada. Conxita Oliver. El Temps de les Arts. 12.08.22
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Icona XXI
Work in progress
Rome 2021