Article in La Vanguardia on Antifémina

We share this great article published in La Vanguardia about the new edition of the book Antifémina by Colita, represented by our gallery, and Mª Aurèlia Campany.

Antifémina was the first openly feminist graphic book in the history of post-Francoism, with texts by Maria Aurèlia Capmany and photographs by Colita, and it was a book that was practically impossible to find. Published in 1977, it was kidnapped by the Francoist structures, still dominant in the middle of the democratic transition.

The Barcelona City Council and  Editorial Terranova, with the collaboration of the Colita Photography Archive, recover the publication of Antifémina, 43 years after its original publication.

– NEUS PALOU, The recovery of Colita and Campany’s book


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