Miquel Mont exhibits at Bernard Jordan Gallery, París

From 8 June to 20 July, the city of Paris is hosting the Cuzin/Mont exhibition at the Bernard Jordan gallery. In this exhibition, Miquel Mont engages in a direct dialogue with the artist Christophe Cuzin: in their work, the formal games and ambiguities between the written word and artistic conceptualisation are more than evident. In the words of the exhibition’s curator: “There is a mathematics of dyslexia. Interestingly, it is not a mathematics of chance or probability, but a mathematics of proximity and permutability that brings the two artists together. Christophe Cuzin never really chooses the colours he uses, so this time Miquel Mont takes the reins. Conversely, the frontality of Miquel’s collages finds depth in the indifference of Christophe Cuzin’s devices. More generally, the use of dyslexia as a method is particularly consistent with the approach of both artists”.