
Homage to Colita at Instituto Cervantes

We share this news about the Homage to Colita, the great photographer from Barcelona represented by RocioSantaCruz, at Instituto Cervantes (Madrid):


Caja de las Letras: Colita

© Francesc Polop

“The Caja de las Letras of the Instituto Cervantes opens to receive the legacy of the Barcelona photographer Colita.

The tribute is a recognition of the extensive career of the photographer who with her work has reflected the life of her city in all its extension during the last decades, in addition to working in multiple areas within her profession and receiving all kinds of recognitions and awards.”

Pep Duran participates in ‘Metafísicas de la fragilidad. De la vanguardia al arte conceptual’

Pep Duran, an artist represented by the RocioSantaCruz gallery, participates in the exhibition ‘Metaphysics of Fragility. From the avant-garde to conceptual art ‘, curated by Pilar Parcerisas, from September 16 to December 4, 2021 at the Fundació Vallpalou.

“Poor sculpture is a recurring line of work during the 20th century with less concern for “form” than for “concept “and its evolution has led to its dematerialization.”

+More info


Article by Conxita Oliver for El Temps de les Arts: ‘Miquel Mont, the difficult representations of affects’

We share this article by Conxita Oliver for El Temps de les Arts about ‘Biografía # Disociada’ the exhibition by the artist Miquel Mont:

“Miquel Mont (Barcelona, 1963) conceives his particular practice of painting as an analytical inquiry into the negation of representation in order to vindicate its materiality. But this time he works with the dichotomy of the figurative and the abstract; at a historical moment when both concepts seem to have blurred more than ever, the boundaries between the two are imprecise, so that all too often we find ourselves doomed to more than confusion and deception.”

Read the full article here:
– Miquel Mont, la difícil representació dels afectes

PHotoEspaña | Ouka Leele. Supernova

The artist Ouka Leele, represented by the RocioSantaCruz gallery, presents until 24.10.2021 the exhibition Ouka Leele. Supernova at Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid.

“La exposición Ouka Leele. Supernova nace fruto de la colaboración con el Archivo Lafuente, institución que conserva unos mil quinientos fondos de la obra de la artista –la mayoría inéditos–, de los cuales se han seleccionado trabajos fotográficos, dibujos, material audiovisual y proyectos editoriales correspondientes a los primeros años de carrera durante la década de los 70 y 80. Se trata de un recorrido en el que su faceta como dibujante cobra especial protagonismo, junto a una amplia selección de fotografías en blanco y negro y donde también hay hueco para algunas de las obras que componen su aclamada serie fotográfica Peluquería.”

“The exhibition Ouka Leele. Supernova was born as a result of the collaboration with the Archivo Lafuente, an institution that preserves some 1,500 collections of the artist’s work – most of them unpublished -, from which photographic works, drawings, audiovisual material and editorial projects corresponding to the first years of his career during the 70s and 80s have been chosen. It is a journey in which her facet as a cartoonist takes on special prominence, along with a wide selection of black and white photographs and where there is also a gap for some of the works that make up her acclaimed photographic series Peluquería.”

+More info about the exhibition
+Ouka Leele

El cel metafísic, el cel físic i el cel digital: Conversation on the exhibition by Andrés Galeano

Fons perdut de núvols is a co-production between the RocioSantaCruz gallery and M|A|C de Mataró.

On Saturday, September 25th at 19h, Andrés Galeano, the artist, will be conversing with Tomàs Molina, meteorologist, and Jordi Vilà, Piarist graduated in Humanities, about the physical sky, the metaphysical sky and the digital sky.

+More info here
+About Andrés Galeano


“Que el ritmo no pare” – Article in El Cultural about Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2021

RocioSantaCruz participates in this edition of Barcelona Gallery Weekend alongside other galleries of the city. The event coincides with the inauguration of ‘Biografía # Disociada’, the new exhibition by the artist Miquel Mont in our gallery.

Sharing with you this article by Luisa Espino for El Cultural which highlights some of the themes present in the exhibitions participating this year:

Miquel Mont hace doblete entre Rocío Santa Cruz y Formato Cómodo en Madrid, con sus inteligentes reflexiones en torno a la pintura y su obra, escapándose del soporte y dándole una vuelta en Biografía disociada a la difícil representación de los afectos. “Miquel Mont doubled between RocíoSantaCruz and Formato Cómodo in Madrid, with his intelligent reflections regarding painting and his work, escaping from the support and giving a twist in ‘Biografía # Disociada’ to the difficulty that is the representation of affects.”

Read the full article here:
– Que el ritmo no pare, Luisa Espino – El Cultural


Andrés Galeano, Fondo perdido de nubes, 2021. Cortesia: Andrés Galeano

“Um arquivo de nuvens encontrado”: Article in Umbigo Magazine about Andrés Galeano’s Exhibition

Sharing with you Um arquivo de nuvens encontrado, Zaida Trallero’s article for Umbigo Magazine about Andrés Galeano’s exhibition Fons perdut de núvols, at the Centre Mataró Art Contemporani and the RocioSantaCruz gallery.

“Our most frequent approach to heaven is still that of an ironic eye. We tend to look at it as a guide to the atmospheric state or as pure contemplation. Sometimes in search of transcendental thoughts or the pure and simple pleasure of looking at it.

Fons precut de núvols is an artistic investigation by Andrés Galeano (Mataró, Spain, 1980), which begins with the discovery of the 1939 book: els núvols confiscats, by J. Batlló and M. Busto. An investigation on the archive of the old Catalan Meteorological Service, kept at the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia in Barcelona. The project is presented in the form of an exhibition and an artist’s book and is exhibited in two places, in Mataró Art Contemporani and in the Rocío Santa Cruz Gallery, in Barcelona, ​​both co-producers of the project.

Galeano’s artistic practice is part of post-photography. He stopped taking photographs to work with photographs of other people, most of them taken by anonymous amateur photographers, found at antique markets and fairs. His great collection, years of collection, is exhibited and displayed in parts of his works. Most of the images are linked to the subject that he has been investigating for years: transcendence in relation to the photographic medium, whose visual representation addresses the celestial. On this occasion, he is working for the first time with an official archive, which allows him to activate a whole series of topics already dealt with in his previous works, condensing many of his interests, in addition to contributing to the recovery of historical memory through his artistic practice.

In his project, Galeano proposes three ways of approaching the sky through photography: the physical, the metaphysical and the digital. ”

Read the full article here:
– Um arquivo de nuvens encontrado: Andrés Galeano no Mataró Art Contemporani e na Galería Rocio Santa Cruz, Zaida Trallero