
Museu d’Art Jaume Morera: Palmira Puig, Mar Arza, and Marina Núñez

Encreuaments. Dipòsits de la Col·lecció Nacional de Fotografia i d’Art Contemporani, an exhibition co-produced by the Museu d’Art Jaume Morera and the Departament of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia, was inaugurated in Lleida on the 14th of December 2021.
The exhibition collects photographs linked to Lleida, amongst them Palmira Puig, and presents acquisitions corresponding to the National Contemporary Art Collection, including works by Mar Arza and Marina Núñez, artists represented by RocioSantaCruz.

Palmira Puig

Marina Núñez

Mar Arza


Museu d’Art Jaume Morera: Palmira Puig, Mar Arza, and Marina Núñez Read More »

Article in La Vanguardia on Antifémina

We share this great article published in La Vanguardia about the new edition of the book Antifémina by Colita, represented by our gallery, and Mª Aurèlia Campany.

Antifémina was the first openly feminist graphic book in the history of post-Francoism, with texts by Maria Aurèlia Capmany and photographs by Colita, and it was a book that was practically impossible to find. Published in 1977, it was kidnapped by the Francoist structures, still dominant in the middle of the democratic transition.

The Barcelona City Council and  Editorial Terranova, with the collaboration of the Colita Photography Archive, recover the publication of Antifémina, 43 years after its original publication.

– NEUS PALOU, The recovery of Colita and Campany’s book


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Fotos ©Archivo Colita Fotografía

Article in La Vanguardia on Antifémina Read More »

RocioSantaCruz in conversation with RedCollectors #Miércolesdearte

If you missed the RedCollectors talk in which RocioSantaCruz participated on the 3rd of November, you can watch in now on YouTube.
Elisa Hernando converses with the gallerists Mercedes Ros ( Galería Marlborough ), Rocío Santa Cruz, Quico Peinado ( àngels barcelona ) and Anna Rovira ( Palmadotze ) about their exhibitions and guide us through a 3D tour of each of them.

RocioSantaCruz in conversation with RedCollectors #Miércolesdearte Read More »

JP Morgan Paris Photo 2021 Curators’ Highlights: Colita and Ouka Leele

We are pleased to share that Monjas tendiendo ropa, 1964 by Colita and Flamenco, 1988 by Ouka Leele have been selected by JP Morgan to be part of their Paris Photo 2021 Curators’ Highlights.

On occasion of the 10th anniversary of  the JPMorgan Chase Art Collection in  Paris Photo, their curatorial team has selected 20 works that reflect unique perspectives within photography.
Through this curation they offer a self-guided tour through the fair that presents a combination of emerging and more established artists to offer a new perspective on the photographic practices of the moment.

+JP Morgan Curators’ Highlights | Paris Photo 2021

JP Morgan Paris Photo 2021 Curators’ Highlights: Colita and Ouka Leele Read More »

Imprescindibles TVE. Antoni Campañà

Tomorrow, 14th of November 2021, at 21:30h in the programme Imprescindibles on La 2 of TVE  “La caja roja. La guerra infinita de Antoni Campañà”, by P. García-Planas, A. Gonzàlez and T. Monné will be broadcast.
‘Our #Imprescindibles of this week is Antoni Campañà. Unknown until recently, his 5,000 photographs of the Civil War are today an important reference.’ – Imprescindibles TVE

Imprescindibles TVE. Antoni Campañà Read More »

Gonzalo Elvira in Memoria del Porvenir. MUSAC Collection

Gonzalo Elvira, artist represented by RocioSantaCruz, participates in the exhibition Memoria del Porvenir in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y Léon (MUSAC). The exhibition will be open to the public until the 1st of May 2022.

Lo imborrable, taking its title from the book by Juan José Saer, is a series of 10 ink drawings on paper which reproduce the covers of books that were banned in Argentina during the dictatorship from 1976 to 1983. Through this series, Elvira highlights the violence of the dictatorship and its psychological repercussions for generations of Argentinians. The act of drawing with ink is a significant one; in a poetic gesture, the artist seems to want to record in his memory the content and the titles of the books that constituted freedoms stolen by the authoritarian regime.

+Memoria del Porvenir
+Gonzalo Elvira

Gonzalo Elvira in Memoria del Porvenir. MUSAC Collection Read More »