
“Arqueología de Teresa Gancedo”, at El Cultural by Isabel Lázaro

Hoy compartimos esta crítica de Isabel Lázaro publicada en el ABC Cultural el sábado 24.02.2023.

“Elementos simbólicos que despliegan un universo como una ofrenda al pasado siempre en una perspectiva preeminentemente femenina. Y un empoderamiento de la mujer como protagonista de su obra en todas las dimensiones y facetas, con rostro propio”.

La exposición “El cuerpo de los símbolos” podrá disfrutarse hasta el 13.04 en la galería RocioSantaCruz

Avui compartim aquesta crítica d’Isabel Lázaro publicada a l’ABC Cultural el dissabte 24.02.2023.

“Elements simbòlics que despleguen un univers com una ofrena al passat sempre en una perspectiva preeminentment femenina. I un empoderament de la dona com a protagonista de la seva obra en totes les dimensions i les facetes, amb rostre propi”.

L’exposició “El cos dels símbols” es podrà gaudir fins al 13.04 a la galeria RocioSantaCruz

Today we share this review by Isabel Lázaro published in ABC Cultural on Saturday 24.02.2023.

“Symbolic elements that unfold a universe as an offering to the past, always from a pre-eminently feminine perspective. And an empowerment of women as the protagonist of her work in all its dimensions and facets, with a face of her own”.

The exhibition “The body of symbols” can be enjoyed until 13.04 at the RocioSantaCruz gallery.



Pilar Aymerich in the Punt Avui on the occasion of the exhibition “The “vintage” of Pilar Aymerich”, in RocioSantaCruz

On Wednesday 03.01.2024, the journalist Maria Palau published an article dedicated to Pilar Aymerich in the newspaper El Punt Avui. We share it with all of you hoping it will be to your liking.

From RocioSantaCruz gallery we would like to thank María Palau and all the team for their interest in our exhibition.

Photo: Juanma Ramos.

Digital article here.

Gonzalo Elvira at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires, march 2024

The exhibition program of the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires for the year 2024 includes Gonzalo Elvira, who will present a monographic show in March entitled Celebration and Shipwreck. In this exhibition, six voices converge to revisit the German Bauhaus School with openness and creativity. This imaginative dialogue pays homage to the “House of State Construction”, respecting its aesthetic and ideological legacy. Without forgoing irony and reappropriations, it freely explores its influence, letting our voices intertwine in a dance of ideas that celebrates the richness and complexity of this pioneering institution.


Sueños, bailes y cuerpos, el arte feminista como puente entre Argentina y España, Infobae.


Marina Núñez at El País: “La inteligencia artificial va a suponer un seísmo laboral y conceptual para el arte”

On the occasion of the exhibition Nada es tan profundo como la piel, at the Museo Lázaro Galdiano in Madrid (01.12.2023 – 10.03.2024), Marina Núñez is interviewed in El País in the Babelia section. In this article, the artist talks about the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in her interventions made for the Museum using 3D software, among other personal questions that allow us to know her better.

Link here to access the article.

©Photo: Juan Lázaro