
Miquel Mont at the X Bienal de Artes Plásticas Rafael Botí

The artist Miquel Mont will take part in the X Rafael Botí Biennial of Plastic Arts, to be held from 23 June to 24 September 2023 at the Rafael Botí Foundation (Córdoba). With his work C_1 (2021), Mont is one of the leading names in plastic reflection on form and space. The Rafael Botí Visual Arts Biennial is one of the most important artistic events on the contemporary art scene in the city of Córdoba, with the aim of promoting and encouraging emerging and established artists.

Colita wins the GAC award for the best consolidated artist exhibition in a gallery for “Dona Situació Límit”.

The exhibition “Dona Situació Límit” by Colita, held at the RocioSantaCruz gallery from 11th March to 14th May 2022, has been awarded the prize for the best gallery exhibition by a consolidated artist. RocioSantaCruz would like to thank the members of the jury, Natalia Chocarro, Gino Rubert, Pilar Parcerisas, Juan Bufill and Àlex Mitrani, for highlighting our exhibition among the other candidates. We would also like to thank ArtBarcelona and GAC for recognising the exceptional nature of Colita’s work.



“Rocío Santa Cruz, la hacedora de libros: Me siento muy editora”, at Crónica Global, 10.06.2023

On the occasion of the fourteenth edition of ArtsLibris, Crónica Global publishes the following article dedicated to Rocío Santa Cruz. In an emotional interview, she reveals her ambitions, her motivations and her passion for art and books.

Rocío Santa Cruz, la hacedora de libros: “Me siento muy editora”, Crónica Globa, 10.06.2023. Writes Yolanda Cardo

Exhibition in tribute to Ouka Leele at the Real Sociedad Fotográfica de Madrid

Ouka Leele receives a special posthumous tribute at the Reial Societat Fotogràfica de Madrid. From 6 June to 29 July, the exhibition El universo de una estrella will showcase a special selection of the artist’s most iconic photographs, as well as drawings and paintings never before seen by the public. Organised by the Reial Societat Fotogràfica de Madrid as part of the PHotoESPAÑA 2023 festival.

Curated and organised by: María Rosenfeldt, Ana Banaan y María Redondo; Enrique Sanz Ramírez y Angélica de la Llave.

Miquel Mont exhibits at Bernard Jordan Gallery, París

From 8 June to 20 July, the city of Paris is hosting the Cuzin/Mont exhibition at the Bernard Jordan gallery. In this exhibition, Miquel Mont engages in a direct dialogue with the artist Christophe Cuzin: in their work, the formal games and ambiguities between the written word and artistic conceptualisation are more than evident. In the words of the exhibition’s curator: “There is a mathematics of dyslexia. Interestingly, it is not a mathematics of chance or probability, but a mathematics of proximity and permutability that brings the two artists together. Christophe Cuzin never really chooses the colours he uses, so this time Miquel Mont takes the reins. Conversely, the frontality of Miquel’s collages finds depth in the indifference of Christophe Cuzin’s devices. More generally, the use of dyslexia as a method is particularly consistent with the approach of both artists”.

Andrés Galeano presents his app Nephogram

On 8 June, Andrés Galeano presents his project “Neophogram” at La Capella in Barcelona. Combining art, science and technology, the Nephogram application calculates how many grams of CO2 an image emits when it is uploaded to a social network. By uploading a photo to Nephogram, it is automatically compressed and thus reduces its ecological footprint and impact. Don’t miss it!

Gloria Oyarzabal at PHotoESPAÑA 2023

Gloria Oyarzabal is another of the great photographers from the RocioSantaCruz gallery who will be present at PHotoESPAÑA. The exhibition Una Visión Propia is dedicated to photography by women. Beginning with a nod to Virginia Woolf in the title, it defends women’s own vision through portraits of outstanding heroines of the current cultural scene. In the case of Oyarzabal, the artist photographs Colita, revealing a deep admiration between both Photographers, in capital letters.

From 31.05.2023-27.08.2023 at the Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid. Organised by: Cómo ser fotógrafa, Museo Lázaro Galdiano and PHotoESPAÑA.

Also as part of PHotoESPAÑA, Gloria Oyarzabal will be showing her entry for the Fundación Enaire Awards, which was one of the 15 best selected by the jury. In the photographs on show, the artist continues to work on issues of race and its marginalisation from a Western perspective, a theme that runs through all her work. Don’t miss it!

From 01.06.2023-27.08.2023 at the Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid. Organised by: Fundación Enaire; Curated by Ángeles Imaña


Fina Miralles. La mujer árbol, la mujer agua, Festival PHotoESPAÑA 2023

In the occasion of PHotoESPAÑA 2023, the artist Fina Miralles, represented by RocioSantaCruz gallery, exhibits in the solo show Fina Miralles. The woman tree, the woman water. This exhibition was jointly organised by the PHotoESPAÑA festival and the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, in collaboration with RocioSantaCruz. Curated by Teresa Grandas, the photographs presented show Miralles’ interest in natural elements and translations. In the words of the curator: “Fina goes far beyond mere questioning. The gesture of transferring the grass to the sea or the sand to the field is simple but resounding. This gesture not only carries a critical and clearly political charge, but also generates another possible imaginary”.

Créditos fotografía portada: © Fina Miralles. Col·lecció MACBA. Deposito de la generalitat de Catalunya

ORLAN: This is my history… of art, PHotoESPAÑA 2023

On Monday 29 May 2023, the PHotoESPAÑA festival will open the exhibition ORLAN: This is my history…of art in collaboration with RocioSantaCruz gallery. In this exhibition, curated by Alain Quemin, you will be able to see some of the works that make up ORLAN’s photographic production, from historical pieces to the 12 photographs from the series Weeping women are angry, on show at the gallery from 15 March to 18 May 2023.