
Ouka Leele and Miguel Trillo, “Madrid: Crónica Creativa de los 80”, PHotoESPAÑA

The exhibition “Madrid: Creative Chronicle of the 80s” commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Autonomy Statute of the Community of Madrid and brings together more than 300 works from the creative revolution of the Movida Madrileña at the Canal de Isabel II Foundation (Madrid). In the 1980s, the Spanish capital was the scene of a cultural revolution that directly influenced photography, painting, magazines, posters, fanzines, music, cinema, and television. Ouka Leele and Miguel Trillo‘s photographs are present in the exhibition as they were the most paradigmatic photographers of the countercultural period.

From May 19 to August 20, 2023.


Ouka Leele, Peluqueria, 1978.



“Picasso: Sin título”, ORLAN at La Casa Encendida

ORLAN’s exhibition journey through Spain, hand in hand with Picasso, does not end at RocioSantaCruz gallery. From 19 May 2023 to 7 January 2024, La Casa Encendida is hosting the exhibition “Picasso: Sin Título“, in which prominent contemporary artists have been invited to describe and retitle a work by Picasso from their own creative prism.

ORLAN, continuing with the feminist re-reading of the genius of Malaga, has worked with the painting “Tête d’homme”, resulting in the text “Between black, grey and white. Self-portrait of a toxic man who emerges from his shadows”.

Toni Amengual, finalist Best Self-Published Photobooks Award 2023 by PHotoESPAÑA

Toni Amengual, photographer represented by RocioSantaCruz Gallery, has been selected as a finalist in the Best Self-Published Photobooks Award 2023. Said award, provided by the prestigious festival PHotoESPAÑA 2023, gathers the best proposals of the year in the exhibition THE BEST PHOTOBOOKS OF THE YEAR, from May 30, 2023 to July 30, 2023 at Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa (Madrid).

You can buy ORNAMENTO here.

Gloria Oyarzabal, 15 award finalist XVI Premio de Fotografía Fundación ENAIRE

The artwork Una democracia en fatiga II (2023) by Gloria Oyarzabal is finally selected as one of the 15 best photographs of the XVI Premio de Fotografía Fundación ENAIRE. To celebrate the awards, the Enaire Foundation and PHotoESPAÑA 2023 will show the winning and finalist works in the exhibition PREMIOS DE FOTOGRAFÍA FUNDACIÓN ENAIRE 2023, from June 1 to August 27, 2023. Curated by Ángeles Imaña, it can be visited at the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid.

Presentation of ICONA, a book by Toni Amengual, at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome

On May 3, 2023, at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, the presentation of ICONA by Toni Amengual will take place.

ICONA is a visual essay created by Toni Amengual during his residency at the Spanish Academy in Rome, 2021. In this work, Amengual focuses on the city of Rome as a scenario built over millennia by power, religious and political. It is here that the image has been generated and used as a tool of social control. In this sense, Amengual visits the most important monuments and museums in Rome to photograph images that today we consider iconic in the history of art, but which were conceived with a clear purpose: social control. Either in a propagandistic way, as the political power will do, or in a moralistic way, as the religious power will do.

Colita recibe el premio Christa Leem

Colita has been awarded with the Christa Leem Prize, which recognizes the career of the Catalan artist and her commitment to the city of Barcelona. The prize, which was presented to the photographer by the Minister of Culture and Sport, Miquel Iceta, has been awarded since 2003 to those whose careers demonstrate values related to progress or freedom, which are characteristic of Colita’s photography, especially the Antifèmina series. In previous editions, important figures of national culture have been honored, such as Núria Espert, Niño de Elche, Javier Pérez Andújar, Joan Manuel Serrat, Miguel Poveda, Carlos Jiménez Villarejo, Pilar Manjón, Ian Gibson, Patti Smith, Baltasar Garzón, Gonzalo Pérez de Olaguer, Marcos Ana, Salvador Allende (in memoriam) or Lilian Thuram.
