The exhibition ‘Fotoclubismo: Brazilian Modernist Photography, 1946-1964’ opens at the MoMA in New York

This Saturday, May 8th, the exhibition Fotoclubismo: Brazilian Modernist Photography, 1946-1964, will be inaugurated at MoMA in New York. A spectacular retrospective of this artistic movement, curated by Sarah H. Meister and Dana Ostrander, where you could find photographs by Marcel Giró, Palmira Puig, German Lorca and Rubens Teixeira Scavone among others.

MoMA will reopen its doors with this exhibition that excites us so much and make us very proud of it as we had have the opportunity to collaborate deeply on it.

Therefore we’ve decided to extend the closing of our exhibition at the gallery, Fotoclubismos: Barcelona – São Paulo. 1932-1964, until Saturday, May 15th, so you will be able to come to visit it two weeks more.

Estudo. Palmia Puig. c. 1950